Pure water is essential to our good health, and promotes a happy and productive work environment. Clean, affordable and environmentally friendly, Linis™ Pure Water Systems replace expensive, messy bottled water coolers in the workplace. Nothing else refreshes and invigorates like a cold drink of fresh delicious water…and no one else provides water solutions like Linis™.
Water for your Workplace
From office drinking water to high volume commercial applications, Linis has a water solution for you.

Watch our short video to learn more >>
Compact and Great for Your Budget
High Quality Linis™ Water Station™ point-of-use water purification systems offers pure, delicious, hot and cold drinking water right where you need it. These bottle-less, plumbed-in systems are available as self-contained purification units with installed reverse osmosis or micro filtration systems, or without filtration for quick connection to a Linis™ Water Hub™.
Water Stations™ replace expensive, unsanitary and cumbersome bottled water coolers and fountains with a clean, convenient, environmentally friendly and economical solution.
Combine - Connect - Enjoy
The Linis™ Water Hub™ is a centrally located water purification system that can feed purified water to multiple Water Stations™, ice machines, coffee makers and virtually any other dispensing device. Water Hubs™ can be configured with an endless combination of filters, reverse osmosis membranes, pumps, and ports to meet any drinking water need. In addition to greater flexibility, the Linis™ Water Hub™ approach provides a high level of efficiency by reducing the number of filter sets and drain lines that must be installed and maintained in any environment that requires multiple water dispense locations.
Sediment and Carbon Filtration with Polyphosphate Scale Reduction
1, 2 & 3-Stage Systems for Healthier and Better Tasting Food and Beverages
Provides delicious drinking water that makes ice, coffee, tea, and all other beverages taste their best!
New Ultra Efficient Linis Professional RO systems from Chester Paul Company offer
a recovery range of 75-65% with less than 50% flow rate loss over the life of the element.
Makes 3 Gallons of Drinking Water
to 1 Gallon of Concentrate.
Linis™ 4-5 Stage Reverse Osmosis Systems
Turn your tap water into pure delicious drinking water for just pennies a day!
While today’s tap water can contain a broad range of impurities and contaminants, Linis Reverse Osmosis systems tackle the broadest spectrum of water impurities possible.
Eco Friendly • Efficient • Economical
Designed with the Highest Efficiency membranes in the industry, and proprietary Linis™ MemShell Carbon Cartridges
the Hydrant RO™ delivers up to 1,000 Gallons Per Day from a mere 60 psi of line pressure.
Ultraviolet Disinfection
Ultraviolet (UV) light is at the invisible, violet end of the light spectrum. The water treatment industry uses a high-powered form of UV light called UV-C or “germicidal UV” to disinfect water.
UV-C rays penetrate
microorganisms and destroy their
ability to reproduce, effectively
rendering them harmless.
It’s a simple but effective process,
destroying a minimum of 99.99%
of harmful microorganisms,
including E. coli, Cryptosporidium,
and Giardia.
Not only is it safe and highly
effective, UV does not change
the taste, color, or odor of water.
It simply removes the risk of
illness caused by microbial
contamination, making water safe.
Big Chill - Small Space!
Professional High Efficiency Cooling System for a Contiuous Supply of Cold Refreshing Water
Right Where You Need It.
Aquadosa Sanitiser
The completely safe and sure way to clean and sanitise water systems and dispensers.
- Kills bacteria including Legionella, viruses, algae, fungi and fungal spores
- Completely friendly to the environment
- No taste or odour
- Quick and easy to apply
- For use in water systems and still water environments
next-ScaleStop: chemical
free, highly effective scale control
next-ScaleStop has proven itself in a variety of applications as an alternative to ion
exchange softening or other conventional water treatment methods.
The maintenance-free characteristics make it especially suited for
Foodservice and Commercial applications where equipment maintenance
is often overlooked.